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Possessive nouns are nouns that have an added suffix to show that something belongs to the noun. In most cases, an apostrophe 's' or just an apostrophe (if the word ends with an 's') is added. For example:

boy; The boy's bike was new.

park; They have extended the park's hours for the summer.

Illinois; Illinois' capital is Chicago.

Donald Trump; I saw Donald Trump's pride and joy, Trump Tower, in New York City.

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What is a possive noun?

A possive noun is likely a typographical error or misspelling. However, if you meant "possessive noun," this refers to a noun that shows ownership or possession. It typically includes an apostrophe and an "s" at the end of the noun.

What is the possive noun for colonists?

Don't know what possive means. Maybe you mean possessive?If you mean possessive then add 's to the noun: colonist'sThe colonist's houses were demolished in the storm.

Is mine a possive noun?

The word mine is a pronoun, not a noun. It is the possessive, objective pronoun meaning belonging to me.

What is the singular possive from of the noun knife?

The possessive form of the singular noun knife is knife's.example: This knife's blade is dull.

What is the possive noun for women?

The possessive form of the plural noun 'women' is women's.Example: A women's group raised the money for the playground.

What is the possive noun for the word teachers?

The possessive noun for "teachers" is "teachers'."

Is divers possive noun?

No, the word "divers" is the plural form of the singular noun "diver".The possessive form of the singular noun "diver" is diver's.The possessive form of the plural noun "divers" is divers'.

Is he a possive noun?

The word he is not a noun; he is a subjective pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun as the subject of a sentence or phrase. The possessive form for the pronoun he is his. Example uses:This is my brother, James. He is a student at state college. The car that I sometimes drive is his.

What is the possive form of child's?


Is prid a noun or contraction or possive noun or a plural noun?

If prid is a noun used in English, then it is from a very specialized sub-vocabulary. It is certainly not a common word or abbreviation. Probably, you meant the word " pride ", which is a singular noun. It can be used as a collective noun [ still singular ] representing a specialized usage as a name for certain groups of things, as in a pride of lions.

Is peoples a possive noun?

Peoples isn't a word. The noun people is the plural form for person. The possessive form requires an apostrophe -s, not just the -s. For example: Singular possessive: person's Plural possessive: persons' Plural possessive: people's

What is the possive form of horses?

It's horses' or horse's.