

What are potential resource?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Potential resources are those whose entire quantity may not be known and these are not being used at present.These resources could be used in future.The level of technology we have at present may not be advanced enough to easily utilise these resources .

Eg:- Uranium found in Jammu&Kashmir

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A type of natural resource that exists in a region and may be used in the future (in contrast to actual resource).A type of natural resource that has been surveyed for quality and quantity and used in present time (in contrast to potential resource).

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Potential energy is a type of energy that is not inherently renewable or nonrenewable. It depends on the source that provides the potential energy. For example, potential energy in the form of gravitational potential energy or elastic potential energy can be considered renewable because it can be replenished. However, potential energy stored in fossil fuels is nonrenewable as it is a finite resource.

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Potential energy is a form of energy that an object possesses due to its position or state. It is considered a renewable energy source because it can be replenished continuously through natural processes. Examples of potential energy sources include gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy.

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because they are poor

How is potential energy of water a renewable resource?

Water has a cycle, which makes it renewable.

Why you should develop potential resource?

You develop these resources so that they can be used in future

What are the problems and possibilities associated with potential resources?

the problems of techonolgy, cultural and environmental issues,and economic potential to make optimum use of this resource.