

What are precautions for haemophilia?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Some precautions for hemophilia are to wear a medic alert bracelet and to carry a FactorFirst wallet card, wherein treatment information is written in detail. Every person who has the illness should know about his bleeding disorder as well as the treatment to be used in an emergency.

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Q: What are precautions for haemophilia?
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Related questions

Is there a cure for haemophilia?

There is no "cure" for haemophilia, only treatment with the appropriate clotting factors.

How many people in the population have haemophilia in the world?

Haemophilia (also spelled hemophilia) is genetic disorder. It is more licely for a male to get it than female. About one of 5,000-10,000 male babies are born with Haemophilia A. About one of 20,000-34,000 male babies are born with Haemophilia B.

How do people suffer with haemophilia?

Haemophilia is a genetic disorder. Usually males are the victims and females are carriers of this disease. There is no prominent cause of this disease but now-a-days it is seen that the families which do not have any history of haemophilia may also have a haemophiliac child. The reason for this is that sometimes there is mutation at genetic level which may lead to deficiency of clotting factor(VIII OR IX) in the blood of the child resulting in haemophilia. One may also suffer from haemophilia at a very later stage of his life but that is very rare. This is the case of Acquired Haemophilia.

Does hemophilia skip a generation?

Haemophilia is a sex-linked recessive disorder - which means it can skip a generation, but only if it is carried in the female line.A female can be a carrier of haemophilia, but a male cannot. This is because males only have one X chromosome, so if they have a defective X they will have the disorder. If a father has haemophilia, all of his daughters will also have haemophilia.

Is haemophilia an STD?

Haemophilus is not a STD.

What is the type of haemophilia?

max wright

Which hemophilia disorder is genetic?

i believe all types of haemophilia are genetic although i am not sure. but i do know that CLASSIC HAEMOPHILIA is a genetic disorder Haemophilia A and B are both genetic. Haemophilia A (which is the most common) occurs when your blood lacks a clotting agent called factor 8. Haemophilia B occurs when you lack factor 9 in your blood. There is also acquired Haemophilia, this occurs when the immune system starts attacking clotting agents within the blood, this usually occurs in elderly people. Both forms of genetic haemophilia mostly occur in males, it rarely occurs in females. Unfortunately there is no cure but it is quite easily controlled with injections of the missing clotting agent.

What are the ratings and certificates for Haemophilia It's Not What You Think - 1990 V?

Haemophilia It's Not What You Think - 1990 V is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

Haemophilia is mostly associated with?

Royal families

Example of a sexually influenced trait?

One example of a sexually influenced trait in humans would be haemophilia. The gene responsible for haemophilia is located on the X chromosome, and if a man receives a gene from his mother (men's X chromosomes always come from their mother) that is positive for this trait, he will exhibit haemophilia. Women must have two X chromosomes that are positive for haemophilia in order to exhibit the trait, because it is a recessive gene.

What reading material is available on orthopedic care in haemophilia?

Ribbans, W. J. "Orthopedic Care in Haemophilia." Hospital Medicine 64, no.2 (2003): 68-69.

What is the classical spelling of hemophilia?

The classical spelling of hemophilia is haemophilia.