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The primary colors are "Red" "Blue" and "Yellow. The secondary colors are the colors that are made by mixing the primary colors. Examples : Blue + Red = Purple Red + Yellow = Orange Yellow + Blue = Green.

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Q: What are primary and secondary colors?
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Removing the primary colors in secondary colors?

You can't have secondary colors without primary colors.

How are secondary color related to primary colors?

Secondary colors are colors that are made from primary colors EX: Primary- red, blue =secondary- purple Primary- blue, yellow =secondary - green etc.

Why do primary colors change color?

primary colors make secondary colors you mix two primary colors to get a secondary color

Why are secondary colors considered secondary?

They are secondary colors because they can be created by mixing the primary colors. The secondary colors are purple, green, and orange. These aren't just considered the secondary colors, they are the official secondary colors. The always have been and they always will. Answer The three primary colors are red, green and blue. When the primary colors are mixed, they assemble three secondary colors, which are: Yellow. Cyan. Magenta.

How are the secondary colors of light related to the primary colors?

Because there would be no secondary colors without primary colors mixing together.

List primary and secondary colors?

Primary colors: red, blue and yellow Secondary colors: green, orange and purple

What are colors that are made by mixing a primary color and a secondary color?

Tertiary Colors are colors that are made by mixing primary and secondary.

Is green a primary or secondary color?

the primary colors are red yellow and blue. secondary colors are colors that you get if you mix two of the primary colors. if you mix blue and yellow you will get green. It is secondary.

Can you make black out of the primary colours-?

Orange, purple and green are the secondary colors that can be made out of primary colors. You cannot make black out of primary colors.

What is the relationship Between primary and secondary colors?

Secondary colors are made of primary colors.The word primary comes from the word first, these are the first colors because they cannot be mixed from other colors. Any paint set you buy will have these three colors, and with them you can mix any colors you are mixing.The primary colors are:redblueyellowThe word secondary clearly means second, these are the most basic colors that you can make with the primary colors. If you take two primary colors and mix them in equal amounts you will get a secondary color.The secondary colors are:purple (red and blue)green (blue and yellow)orange (yellow and red)

What type of colors are there?

Primary, secondary

How does secondary colors form?

mixing 2 primary colors