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Q: What are properties of evaporation?
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What properties of water that help plants transpire?

Evaporation and diffusion

Which of the following are chemical properties changes temperature ripening evaporation humidity?

Temperature, evaporation, and humidity are physical properties, while ripening is a chemical property. Chemical properties involve changes in the chemical composition of a substance, while physical properties relate to characteristics such as state, appearance, and behavior under certain conditions.

The rate of evaporation decreases when common salt is added to water why?

Solutes affect the physical properties of water.

Is water freezing into ice an example of diffusion?

These are two different processes. Diffusion is when two substance mix together, evaporation is when a liquid turns into a gas. If diffusion where to effect evaporation it would be to do with changing the properties of the liquid being evaporated.

What properties of water allow it to exist as a liquid in oceans and rivers?

Its molecules are in constant motion, allowing for evaporation and condensation.

Will dyes affect water evaporation rate?

Dyes alone typically do not affect water evaporation rate. However, dyes can indirectly impact evaporation rate if they change the absorption properties of the water, which can influence how quickly the water heats up from sunlight and therefore evaporates.

Why do scientists use evaporation?

Scientists use evaporation in various processes such as chemical separation, purification of substances, and testing the properties of materials. Evaporation is a method to separate components based on their differing boiling points, allowing scientists to isolate and analyze specific compounds in a mixture. Additionally, evaporation is used to concentrate solutions or extract substances in a controlled manner.

Is evaporation a chemical reaction?

No, evaporation is a physical process in which a liquid substance changes into a gas state at a temperature below its boiling point. Unlike chemical reactions, evaporation does not involve any change in the chemical composition or structure of the substance.

What is the process by which particles escape from the surface of a non-boiling liquid?

Molecules speed up when they are turned from liquid into vapor. This is because they have more freedom to move around due to gaseous properties. Gases conform to the volume of the container, so they have more room to spread out, compared to liquids that do not have the ability to change volume

What are all of the physical properties?

The ones I know are melting, freezing, condensation, evaporation (or vaporization), and sublimating. These are definitely NOT ALL of them though.Ur welcome,:0)

How can solutes be separated from solvents?

Solutes can be separated from solvents through methods such as filtration, distillation, evaporation, and chromatography. These methods utilize differences in properties such as solubility, boiling point, and size to separate the components.

What is the relationship between evaporation and the wet-bulb temperature terms of energy?

Evaporation is a cooling process that occurs when liquid water changes to water vapor, absorbing energy from its surroundings. Wet-bulb temperature is a measure of the lowest temperature that can be reached through evaporation of water into the air. The wet-bulb temperature indicates the energy required for the evaporation process to occur and influences the rate of evaporation.