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Q: What are renewable fuels derived from biological matter called?
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Renewable fuels derived from biological matter are called?


Process which promotes biological degradation of organic matter in water is called?

The process that promotes the biological degradation of organic matter in water is called biodegradation. Microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi break down organic compounds into simpler substances as part of this natural process.

Is hydrogen a bio-fuel?

No. Hydrogen is not derived from biological sources. It is produced by electrolysis of water.

What is the root word for matter?

The word "matter" is derived from Latin materia, which itself is derived from mater, mother.

Where can matter be found?

Matter is everywhere. Where there is no matter , it is a vacuum. You as a biological organism are matter.

Fossil Fuels are non-renewable.?

Non-renewable fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.They are called fossil fuels because they are made out of fossilized vegetation and animal matter that was laid down under the ground millions of years ago.They are called non-renewable because when they are burnt (in industry, transport and to generate electricity) they are gone for ever. They can only be used once. (Unlike sunshine or wind power, which can be used over and over, and are called renewable.)

What is the biological origin of coal?

organic matter (dead plant and animal matter)

What exactly is renewable energy technology?

Renewable energy in simple terms is energy we collect from the sun, wind, snow or rain. Hydrogen is another form of renewable energy that is found in organic matter. So to clear this matter up renewable energy technology is just a term we use to explain how we capture energy and use is to our benefit.

Is hydroelectic energy renewable or not?

Yes.Because biomass is made from organic matter

Is there any difference in water contamination and water pollution?

You can use both interchangeably but the effect of contamination by a specific chemical or biological matter is called pollution.

Who derived the equation of motion of matter wave?


How does the transfer of matter and energy through biological communities support diversity of living things?

i think it means that transfer of matter and biological communities support the living thins i think