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Q: What are rocket to the moon fans called?
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What was Neil Armstrong's rocket called for moon landing?

name of Neil Armstrongs rocket used for moon landing

What was the first rocket that landed on the moon called?

It was called Apollo 11 to land on the moon first.

What is it called when a rocket leaves the orbit of the moon?


How does rockets land on the moon?

The rocket part called the lunar module lands on the moon.

What is the name of the rocket neil Armstrong went in to the moon?

The rocket was called the Eagle, Neil Armstrong named it himself.

Who was the first man on the moon and what was his spacecraft called?

Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. The rocket that took the crew there was a Saturn 5 rocket and thermally module was called LM-5, known as the 'Eagle'.

What vehicle did the Apollo astronauts use to go to the moon witch was some times called the moon buggy?

a rocket !!

What was Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's rocket called?

The rocket was the Saturn V. The name of the Lunar Module that took them to the moon was Eagle.

How long does it take to get to the moon by rocket?

it takes 13 hours to get to the moon by a rocket

What was the name of the rocket used to travel to the moon?

What was the name of the rocket used to travel to the moon?

How did you get are moon?

by rocket

What was the name of the rocket neil Armstrong landed on the moon in?

The lunar module that carried Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to the surface of the moon and back to the command module was called 'Eagle". The command module that remained in orbit around the moon and eventually carried all three astronauts back to earth was called "Columbia".