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"Savvy practical playoffs" is not a common term or phrase. It could potentially refer to a strategic approach to navigating and excelling in playoff games or situations that requires a combination of cleverness, practicality, and skill.

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What computer savvy practical payoffs?

Being computer savvy can have many practical payoffs including being qualified for higher paying jobs our being able to freelance.

What are some savvy nouns and adjectives and verbs and prepresitional phrases?

The word 'savvy' is a noun, a common, abstract, uncountable noun; a word for shrewdness and practical knowledge; the ability to understand and judge people and situations well.Example: He used his business savvy to make the company successful.The word 'savvy' is a verb, to know, to understand, to comprehend.Example: I don't savvy the reasoning for his actions.The word 'savvy' is an adjective to describe a noun as knowing a lot about something, able to make good judgments.Example: A savvy investor does a lot of research.Example prepositional phrase:He negotiated that deal with the savvy of a professional.

What is the word origin of savvy?

"Savvy" originates from the Spanish word "sabe," which means "knows." It was later adopted into English, influenced by various other languages like French and Portuguese. "Savvy" is commonly used to refer to understanding or having practical knowledge about something.

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"Electronic organizers are very practical is you have the volume of data to warrant using one, as well as either the technical savvy or the time to learn to use it. Should you have a small amount of data to manage, a paper system is usually more practical."

What is a sentence using the word savvy?

Savvy that? Yup ive got savvy like you do, my dah-ling. She's got a lot of savvy.

What is the past tense of savvy?

The past tense of savvy is "savvied."

Can you put this word in a sentence savvy?

Savvy us generally used to denote understanding of a concept, or mechanic. "He was savvy with the workings of the handgun" "He had a savvy understanding of how it worked"

What is a savvy scientists?

a savvy scientist is a horrible scientist

What does the website Savvy sell?

Right now the website Savvy does not sell anything. The site is under construction as it says that both "Savvy for You!" and "Savvy for Brands!" are coming soon.

What is bobbies savvy in the book savvy?

Bobbie doesn't have a Savvy because she isn't in Mibs' family. Only the Beaumonts have Savvy's, that's why Mibs had to quit school and also Rocket and Fish. The Savvy's they have are also supposed to be kept secret.

What is a Sentence using savvy?

When used as a noun, 'savvy' means common sense. The candidate seems to have no political savvy.

What does savvy mean on captain jack sparrow?

"Savvy"By the word savvy, he means "Do you understand?"