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The simple answer is that you could get tetanus.

Tetanus is a serious disease that attacks your nervous system. It causes locked jaw, neck stiffness, difficulty swallowing, rigidity of the stomach, muscle spasms, seizure-like activity, and death in about 10-20% of patients.

It is common in soil and spread through bacteria that enters the body through cuts in the skin, so you don't need to be near someone who is infected to get the disease.

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11y ago
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10y ago

The tetanus shot prevents you from getting tetanus, which is a deadly bacteria that gives you muscle spasms that can fracture spines. You can easily get tetanus from touching metal that is rusty, because it will most likely have tetanus bacteria on it.

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13y ago

it is a sort of illness you can get if you are cut by something rusty. one of the symptoms is lockjaw. if you get tetanus, you have to get a shot to make it go away.

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10y ago

If you don't get a tetanus shot and are exposed to the bacteria that causes tetanus, you may get the disease and possibly die.

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14y ago

Severe infection, possibly death.

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How do you aviod getting tetanus?

buy getting a tetanus shot every 10 years at you local hospital or doctor

Do they put you to sleep while your getting a tetanus shot?

No why would they?

Does getting a scratch from the road needs a tetanus?

If you mean from a scrape by some scrap metal, then yes, you should probably get a Tetanus shot.

Are there any dangerous ingredients in a tetanus shot?

Yes. there is one dangerous in a tetanus shot and that is tetanus.

What is a t shot?

Tetanus shot.

Does gallbladder surgery include tetanus shot?

No, you do not need a tetanus shot for gall bladder surgery.

How do you prevent getting tetanus?

When you're an adult, you don't have to get your tetanus shot every 10 years if you don't want to. Doctors don't have time to chase everybody to make sure they have their shots every 10 years. They have more important things to do than that. If you have diabetes, epilepsy, asthma, HIV, cancer or any other uncurable disease, your physician can force you to get vaccinated every 10 years. He/she can force you to get the flu shot every year if you have health problems. But as long as you're an adult and you have no health problems, they can't force you to get a tetanus shot. If you have a bad burn, a deep cut that requires stitches, an animal bite or a surgery, the doctors can force you to get your tetanus shot. If they don't force you to get your tetanus shot and you develop diphteria or the tetanus disease, you could sue the doctors. Or if you're in a position where you can't sue ( wich would probably be the case), your family would sue the doctors for you.

What is the most common treatment for tetanus?

A tetanus shot, easy to get at your GP.

What should a 15 year old have a tetanus booster or tdap if they stepped on a rusty nail and there immunization are up to date?

If your immunization is up to date, then you are fine! If not, you should get a tetanus shot ASAP after getting a rusty scrape or puncture wound. If you don't, and you haven't had a tetanus shot in the last 10 years, you can get Lockjaw.

Can a tetanus shot cause nausea?

Yes, nausea is one of the symptoms of a tetanus shot. You may also have flu like symptoms and that is also from the shot.

Why was antitoxin given instead of a booster shot of tetanus toxoid?

Why was antitoxin given instead of a booster shot of tetanus toxoid?

Should you get a tetanus shot if you were bitten by a hamster?

No, tetanus shots are for rusty metal.