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Stromg-arm chisler scammer con-artistmugger felonious skunk

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Q: What are slang words for one who earns or obtains something dishonestly?
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Related questions

What is the slang spelling for something?

The slang spelling for "something" is often "sumthin" or "somethin".

What does go mean in Australian slang?

Go in Australian slang means to do something. A footie player might lose his temper and "go the thump" which means he punched an opponent. Go the mug lair means to act like the worst kind of show off - and Donald Trump is the classic mug lair. Come in Australia is to attempt to do something slyly or dishonestly or wrongly - Come the raw prawn means to try to pull a fast one; come the bounce means to attempt to bully someone into something.

What is a slang word for something?

summin' A British slang word for something is suink. You would pronounce this as SUH-EENK.

What is diddy slang for?

"Diddy" is slang for a small amount or something that is minor or of little importance. It can also be used to refer to something that is cute or endearing.

What does lug mean in slang?

Lug is slang for to carry something. Carry a suitcase, or lug a suitcase.

Is french lick slang for something?


What is the meaning of the American slang that says something?

All slang "says something." Please rephrase your question so that it makes a little more sense.

What does the slang tickle it mean?

In slang terms, "tickle it" often refers to trying something out or attempting to do something in a humorous or light-hearted way. It can also imply exploring or experimenting with something new or unfamiliar.

What does DOOP stand for?

Doop is slang for dope which can be used to describe something as cool, or it can be slang for a number of drugs.

What does shoot means in slang?

Shoot is basically swearing in slang, or used to exclaim that something has gone wrong

What does piss mean in UK?

It is slang for beer and intoxication. Not exactly. It is used as slang for urine or to urinate, Pissed is used as slang for intoxication and pissed off as slang for very annoyed or displeased about something.

Is there something called yo?

technically, its slang for hello.