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stomata :) i think...

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Q: What are small pores on the leaf surface called?
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What part of the leaf do gasses pass in and out of?

Tiny little pores on the leaf's surface called Stomata

What are small openings on the underside of a leaf called?

They are called stomata, openings or pores in the epidermis of leaves.

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Does carbon dioxide enter a leaf through its veins?

No. It is absorbed through tiny pores on the surface of the leaf. These are called "stoma". The veins are for moving the tree's sap in the leaves for growth and nourishment.

What openings allow the exchange of gases between the environment and the air spaces inside the leaf?

i first thought it was stoma. but its stomata.

What is a small leaf called?

a small leaf is called microphyll, that's the scientific term

What are the small pores found in the leaf scar?

The small circles/ pores (although they are not really pores) are the scars of the xylem and phloem tubes that were joining the leaf to the stem. Imagine cutting an electrical cable in half, if you look at it from the side you will see the cross section of the individual wires that were running through the cable

What are the small pores in the leaf scar for?

The small circles/ pores (although they are not really pores) are the scars of the xylem and phloem tubes that were joining the leaf to the stem. Imagine cutting an electrical cable in half, if you look at it from the side you will see the cross section of the individual wires that were running through the cable

What part of the leaf releases water?

the bottom stem is the bottom of the leaf, therefore if the leaf is tilted all the water will leave.

What is the stomata's function?

The function of stomata is that they are small openings or pores on the surface of leaves.The function of stomata is to allow gases such as oxygen, water vapor, and carbon dioxide to move around the leaf.

What is stomatas function?

The function of stomata is that they are small openings or pores on the surface of leaves.The function of stomata is to allow gases such as oxygen, water vapor, and carbon dioxide to move around the leaf.

The tiny pores or openings in leaves that take in the carbon dioxide are called?

Those pores are on the bottom of the leaf surface and are called stomata (singular stoma). They have guard cells that open and close the pore based on several conditions in the environment.