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Obesity can lead to: Joint problems, Diabetes, difficulty breathing, poor circulation, artereal clogs, heart problems, DEATH. Obesity is a real problem that can seriously kill. Not only does it effect you physically, but mentally and emotionally. If you are struggling with obesity you need to take control. Gain the support of loved ones, family and friends alike. Start working out and when you start losing weight your self esteem and confidence will build as well as your physical health.

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Q: What are some affects for obesity?
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How does obesity affects your social health?

Obesity affects your social health as of because your obese you can't get out of bed and you won't be able to go to school, work and earn money as you can't walk.

Is obesity a eating dissorder?

obesity is the accumulation of fats in the body.... Ghee tends to accumulate more than n0rmal... Beside this fat intake also affects... Breast feeding m0re than need in childhood also affects... sedantary lifestyle also leads to obesity...

Obesity affects what part of the body?

it affects you emotionally and it affects your whole body mostly your heart so it can increase your chances of a heart attack at an earlier age

How can smoking affect obesity?

It affects your lungs and that way it will make it harder for you to excercise.

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side effects of protein obesity and heart problems

Is Obesity is a disease that affects approximately one-third of the adult American population?


Definition of child obesity?

Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition that affects children and adolescents. It occurs when a child is well above the normal weight for his or her age and height.

How does water movement in body affects obesity?

it narrows down the fat in your body making it lose weight.

Why is obesity a public health issue?

Obesity affects millions of people, and America, statistically, is the fattest country out there. The thing is, obesity kills. Usually not directly, but it significantly increases your risk of getting heart disease, myocardial infarctions, strokes, and pulmonary embolisms.

How does obesity affect diabetes and does losing weight help in controlling the disease?

There is a correlation between obesity and diabetes. It is not yet definite whether obesity causes diabetes, but it is certain that not maintaining a proper body weight affects the body's ability to control glucose levels. Losing weight may decrease your risk for the disease or, if you already have diabetes, may alleviate some complications.

How can use the word obesity in a simple sentence?

like this: Obesity affects twenty five percent of most americans. see? no coordinating conjunctions, no complex link things, and it's a complete thought.

How obesity affect child development?

it affects their mentality to tell the difference on what they want and need. they might confuse them with both.