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Although it's not produced in the U.S. but in Japan , the anime series entitled "Full Metal Alchemist" has wide appeal ; see related link .

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Q: What are some anime shows like avatar other than it?
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What are shows like chihayafuru?

You have to be more detalied about this. Are you looking for similar genres or animes with karuta in it? There are many similar anime in terms of genre but no other anime has karuta in it ;)

How does an avatar be born?

an avatar is born like a regular child. just watch the episode the Firelord and the Avatar it shows newborn aang

Is there a channel for Japanese anime on cable in America?

I don't think there is but you can search for it on the internet. But I do know that you can watch anime shows like Naruto, Pokemon, and Inuyasha on Cartoon Network on Saturday nights.

Is there any anime as good as Death Note or is similar?

Sadly i don't think any anime can really compete with death note, which sucks if I'm perfectly honest:/ but there are some other good anime's :') i watched spiral after death note, it's like mystery murder stuff , and at points is quite funny:) and there is avatar the ledgend of aang ( it's not really an anime but it's a really good series) these are like my two fave animation type shows, but i don't know if there's anything out there as good as death note:/ LOL. started watching code geass after saying this, the main character is like light but he has a reason for killing people<3 i didn't like it on the first episode because i thourght it was going to be a load of crap about robots and tacky magical powers but by the time i got to the end of the second episode i was hooked, you should watch it, seriously it rocks ^.^

Are there any other anime shows that are like Ikki Tousen?

you can try tengo tange ..its about the same imo you can also try these: Berserk Zero no Tsukaima Cambrian Claymore Edens Bowy Gurren Lagann

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Is Japanese anime better than Americas?

There is no such thing as an American anime.Anime is Japanese animation.There are cartoons that look like anime but aren't.In my opinion real anime is better than the American anime like cartoons.They may look like anime but they just don't have the same action,culture,emotion and comedy as real anime. Shows like Avatar,Totally Spies,Kappa Mikey are good for kids but its just not the same as japan's original work.

What are shows like chihayafuru?

You have to be more detalied about this. Are you looking for similar genres or animes with karuta in it? There are many similar anime in terms of genre but no other anime has karuta in it ;)

What is an anime commercial?

You will not see much of them around other than in Japan - e.g. Bushiroad does some for their card sleeves (for those who play TCGs like Yu-Gi-Oh!). Anime commercials are ads for anime comics or shows.

I love avatar but im not very into anime what eles might i like?

I'm not too sure, I like Avatar too, but I haven't seen anything else like it...I'll tell you my favorite anime's and you can see if your interested in them. D.N.Angel Fullmetal Alchemist Fruits Basket Hikaru no Go These all pretty much have to do with some sort of other spirit or power inside them. Plus if your interested you might like Ouran Highschool Host Club. ^_^

What are the different types of cartooning?

Yes, there are many types of Cartoons. There is the serious/dramatic type of cartoon like Avatar and Teen Titans. There is the zany and fun type of cartoon like those weird Bugs Bunny episodes or SpongeBob SquarePants. And I guess the little kid shows such as Dora the Explorer and others have their own category. And don't forget anime! There are many sub categories for anime as well :)

How does an avatar be born?

an avatar is born like a regular child. just watch the episode the Firelord and the Avatar it shows newborn aang

Anime shows like Death Note?

This cannot be answered. This question does not have enough detail.

Are there any Danish anime movies or series?

Yes, but quite few, like Avatar, dragon ball, mew mew power and shaman king.

What are some suggestions for good anime shows?

naruto inuyasha basicly stuff like that i guess

What are some anime shows like vampire knight?

Trinity blood, blood+, moonphase, and bleach.

What other English anime shows are like fruits basket?

Ouran High School Host Club , Azumanga Daioh , Chobits ,Kimi ni Todoke and Clannad .

What is the website tinierme?

Tinierme is an online community where the user can create their own avatar, post on forums, or play games. it is very much like an anime website for anime lovers........ anime-japanese cartoons