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nevershoutnever, Lady GaGay, Esperanza Spaulding, Owl City

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Q: What are some awesome screamo bands?
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Related questions

What are some good screamo bands on Brazil?

The best screamo bands according to fans are Pierce The Veil and Black Veil Brides. However, screamo in Brazil is a lot like screamo here in the US. We listen to the same type of bands.

Are there any christian screamo bands?

Flyleaf in their song I'm So Sick, the girl does some screamo

Are all screamo bands atheist?

No. Being a screamo band does not automatically make them atheist. There are also screamo christian bands, believe it or not.

What screamo bands are satanic?

Most of screamo bands aren't satanic. Well I'm a fan of screamo and I've never found out that there is some satanic screamo band because even if they mention devil or Satan in some songs it doesn't mean they're worshiping Satan. Most of them are normal Christians or Atheists.

What are some screamo German bands?

rammstein, blonk, callejon, narziss, welcome karen, and myra are good bands

What are some good local screamo bands?

Scars to Stain the Skin. :D

Is screamo music devil worshiping?

Not really, because there are some "screamo" that isn't demented. No, Screamo is a type of music that anyone can listen to.

What are some good heavy screamo metal bands?

Here are some heavy screamo bands: Saosin, Alesana, A Skylit Drive, Alexisonfire, Emarosa, Dance Gavin Dance, Through Arteries, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Chiodos etc.

What are some Christian screamo bands?

August Burns Red, Mychildren Mybride...

Are screamo bands Emo?

Yes, screamo is a sub-genre of emo (which itself is a sub-genre of punk).

Are there any screamo bands with a black guy in them?

Howard Jones era Killswitch Engage if you class that as 'screamo'.

Is there any good rock bands that are not punk or screamo?
