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Barriers of effective reading can range from anything; the environment you're in or if you suffer from any disabilities.

The environment you are in can affect your reading if there is constant background noise, or activity, and other external distractions which mainly take place in the likes of a classroom or built-up public area, even libraries can provoke mild distractions.

Disabilities can be various, but usually relate back to particular functions of the brain which control; speech, reading and writing demands, which take place in the temporal and occipital lobes. Certain disabilities which will defiantly affect this control are;

Downs Syndrome

Cerebral Palsy

Speech In pediments



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10y ago
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11y ago

Read more , read with a dictionary for reference and take a Reading and Comprehension class at your local college .

Here are some more ways to improve your reading:

  • Read as much as you can - practice always makes perfect!
  • Learn new vocabulary words - try a "Word A Day" calendar or just pick a certain number of words from the dictionary and memorize them every day - there's a link below for making a Study Deck to help with this
  • Read out loud - often, you can learn more if you hear the words instead of just looking at them, especially if you're getting bogged down with all those letters
  • Listen and read - get an audio copy of the book you're reading, and read along with the audio track
  • Practice Directed Reading - as you read, ask yourself questions about what you're reading. "What did this section just teach me?" or "What is the summary of that chapter?" or even "What am I supposed to be learning in this part?"
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15y ago

People have problems reading for several reasons. Here are some things that you can pay attention to, and overcome, in order to improve your reading skills. * Vocabulary - if you don't understand the words, you will not understand what you are reading - use a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words or terms * Attention - many people do not understand what they read because they try to hurry through, and skip some of the information - slow down until you are able to understand what the material is about * Culture - often, what we read is full of cultural references (this is why older literature is harder to understand) - use an encyclopedia or online reference to look up the culture or society during that time, and you will understand the material better * Discussion - talking about what you have read helps you to understand better, and often helps start a conversation with someone you don't know - discuss your reading material with friends, teachers, and people around you

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7y ago

To read, read and more read. Practise makes perfect, both for adults and children. The first important factor is to get your child interested in reading. Parents usually read to their child at bedtime, creating a warm and comfortable sense in the child - leading to the child viewing books and reading as pleasant and comforting in our frantically busy world. Enrol your child in your local public library - make a trip to the library something the child will look forward to.

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11y ago

auditory & perception


interest & attitude

physical & emotional well- being

language bankground

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9y ago

The most important factor is comprehension (understanding what is read). Another factor is the speed at which you read.

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7y ago

Read something of your interest on daily basis ..

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3y ago

Take notes as you're reading

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Kirby Kult

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thank you

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