

What are some causes of acromegaly?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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13y ago

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Acromegaly is caused by prolonged overproduction of GH by the pituitary gland.

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Q: What are some causes of acromegaly?
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What is the causes of acromegaly?

Acromegaly is a disease caused by an abnormal increase in growth hormones after puberty. The bones get thicker, and the lips, nose, jaw, and tongue get larger. Life expectancy is generally shorter in people with acromegaly than in those without. Acromegaly is usually caused by a tumor of the pituitary gland. It is usually treated by surgical resection and radiation therapy, but tumors often reoccur.

Make a sentence with this word acromegaly?

Acromegaly is a disease, so you could write something like this: "Acromegaly is a hereditary disease which concerns the extremities of the body".

Is acromegaly contagious?

No, acromegaly is not contagious. It is a rare hormonal disorder caused by the overproduction of growth hormone in the pituitary gland. Acromegaly typically results from a noncancerous tumor in the pituitary gland.

The hormonal disorder that results from too much growth hormone in adults is known as?


What is the disease that causes a person to become extremely tall called?

It could be gigantism or acromegaly. A catch-all term for these diseases (and others like them) is Overgrowth syndrome.

Acromegaly is the result of the hypersecretion hormone true or false?

True. Acromegaly is a disorder caused by the hypersecretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland, leading to excessive growth of bones and tissues.

Does Zhang Jun-Cai have acromegaly?

Maybe because his incredible height was caused by pituitary gigantism and that disorder often leads to acromegaly (although not necessarily).

What does acromegalic mean?

Acromegalic means "pertaining to or characteristic of acromegaly", or a person affected by acromegaly, a disease involving enlargement of the bones of the hands, feet, face and jaw.

Which president was thought to have acromegaly?

John F Kennedy? Abraham Lincoln is thought to have suffered from Marfan's Syndrome, acromegaly, which is an adrenal disorder connected with what sometimes is called "gigantism". John Kennedy had adrenal disorders but he did not exhibit signs of acromegaly. Cushings disease has been mentioned in books about Kennedy.

How does acromegaly affect other body systems?

Acromegaly can affect multiple body systems including the cardiovascular system through an increased risk of hypertension and heart disease. It can also impact the musculoskeletal system by causing joint pain and increasing the risk of arthritis. Additionally, acromegaly may affect the respiratory system by causing sleep apnea due to soft tissue enlargement in the upper airway.