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Some examples are like you know how we write in english, the mesopotamian and sumerian people used cuneiform how we use english now and by the way, im in 6th grade.

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Q: What are some examples of Cuneiform?
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Related questions

Where was writing created?

The earliest writing of which we have examples is cuneiform. The Kish tablet, composed of proto-cuneiform, has been dated to about 3500 BCE,

Who used the cuneiform?

The Sumerians actually invented cuneiform, which means they used it, but some other ancient civilizations used another form of cuneiform.

Is Cuneiform a short bone?

There are 3 Cuneiform bones in the human foot 1) medial cuneiform 2) intermediate cuneiform 3) lateral cuneiform

What are some invention from Mesopotamia?

irrigation, wheel for transportation, cuneiform,

What are some sumerians advances and achievements?

The cuneiform,wheel,ect.

What style writing use by people in Mesopotamia was?

It was called cuneiform, and was written with a stylus that was triangular in cross section, so as it was pressed into soft clay it made "letters" composed of triangular strokes. The clay tablets would be fired into hardness when done to preserve them, and so we still have some intact examples today.

Whose wisdom was the cuneiform script?

Cuneiform scripts is the oldest written expression created by the Sumerians at 3000 BCE with some predecsessors reaching 4000 BCE.

What are the characteristics of cuneiform?

Cuneiform are wedded shape

Who created cuneiform?

Cuneiform was created by the Sumerians.

What is cuneiform language?

Cuneiform is a sumerian language

Do they still use cuneiform writing today?

No. However there are some experts who know how to read cuneiform (and thus write it too). Modern methods of writing are far more efficient than cuneiform (which was good when all you had to write on was damp clay tablets).

The sumerians created the first known writing system what is this system commonly known as?
