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Here is one about a dog-

His bark breaks the sound barrier,

his nose is colder than the artic.

when he waves his tail it causes hurricanes, his jumping causes falling rocks.

He eats mountains of dog food, and drinks rivers dry.

Though he breaks the bank,

He is the apple of my eye.

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3w ago
  1. "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."
  2. "She's as slow as a turtle."
  3. "He's so strong he could lift an elephant."
  4. "They're as busy as a beehive."
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Q: What are some examples of animal hyperboles?
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Are there more examples of hyperboles?

Certainly! Some examples of hyperboles include "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse," "I have a million things to do," and "She's as tall as a house." Hyperboles are exaggerations used to emphasize a point or create vivid imagery.

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The train is a great symbol. I symbolizes Doug taking a journey into his past.

Is there a list of hyperboles?

Hyperboles are exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. There is no definitive list of hyperboles since they are creative linguistic devices used in various contexts to emphasize or exaggerate a point. Some common examples include "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse" or "I've told you a million times."

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I would try hard to get some brains.

Hyperboles in songs?

um... some examples in songs are 'I'm yours' by Jason Mraz, "look into your heart and you will find that the sky is yours". and that's all I can think of!

What are hyperboles in the wonderful wizard of oz?

I would try hard to get some brains.

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What are some examples for animal kingdom?

mammals...such as wolves... is that what you mean? =]