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Examples of water erosion include river channels carving through rock over time, water washing away soil from river banks, and coastal cliffs being worn down by waves crashing against them. Additionally, gullies forming in fields due to heavy rainfall and canyons being sculpted by flowing water are also examples of water erosion.

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Some examples would be avalanche, landslide, debris flow, mudflow, and a sinkhole. Gravitational eroson is caused by gravity in contrast to the physical movement of wind and water required for other types of soil erosion. This involvs mass wasting and smaller scale erosion. Two types of mass movements are slump and creep

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When materials are removed from the surface and changed into something else. Erosion can be by wind, water, ice, waves or other natural agents.

What are examples of gravity erosion?

Examples of gravity erosion include landslides, rockfall, and soil creep. These processes are caused by the force of gravity acting on slopes, leading to the movement and downslope transport of rock, soil, and debris.

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non-examples of erosion would be fire or anything that does not have to do with waterice and Nanon.

What are some secondary landforms?

Some secondary landforms include hills, valleys, ridges, plateaus, and canyons. These landforms are typically formed by the erosion or deposition of material by natural processes such as water, wind, or ice over long periods of time.

What are some of the agent of erosion?

Water, wind, ice, and waves.

What are some gradual changes to earth surface?

Some examples of gradual changes to Earth's surface include erosion by wind and water, weathering of rocks, deposition of sediment, and plate tectonics moving continents slowly over time. These processes shape the landscape and contribute to the constant evolution of Earth's surface.

What are some factors that affect the rate of erosion?

water, logging, and construction