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Q: What are some factors causes moribund language?
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A sentence using the word moribund?

Some of the bank's savings accounts are moribund, having seen no activity in years.

What is the factors that hinder communication?

There are several factors that can hinder communication. Some examples might be a language barrier, unclear language, or undelivered email or texts.

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Excess protein or phosphorus consumption causes the body to excrete calcium.

What are some things that influence the growth of any language?

Some factors that influence the growth of a language include cultural exchange, technological advancements, migration patterns, globalization, and economic development. These factors can introduce new vocabulary, changes in grammar, and new ways of communicating within a language.

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Diseases are often caused by viruses and bacteria or genetic factors.

What are some causes disease?

Diseases are often caused by viruses and bacteria or genetic factors.

Factors stimulating the spread of the English language?

Some factors stimulating the spread of the English language include globalization, the influence of technology (such as the internet and social media), the dominance of English in international trade and business, and the popularity of English-language entertainment and media.

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language barrier poor infrastructure in some countries

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Some causes of diabetes include obesity, lack of exercise, genetics, eating an excess of sugary and unhealthy foods. Usually it is a mix between genetics and environmental factors.

Factors that affects or hinder in learning English language?

Some factors that can hinder learning English include lack of exposure to the language, low motivation, fear of making mistakes, and limited practice opportunities. Additionally, factors such as cultural differences, lack of resources, and individual learning styles can also impact language acquisition.

What causes developmental delay?

Development delay in people can be caused by various factors. Some are simply genetic causes (e.g. Down syndrome), some start early, during pregnancy (e.g. pregnancy and birth complications). Everyone develops at a different rate, and there are many factors that affect this rate.

Who discovered the causes for arthritis?

No one, The causes of arthritis aren't known. It's thought there may be genetic (inherited) factors that make some people more likely to develop it.