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* Make a paste of water and cinnamon by mixing 1 tablespoon of water with 1 tablespoon of cinnamon. Apply the paste on your forehead, lie down, and rest for 20-30 minutes. Then wash the paste off with warm cloth.

* Take a cloth and dip it in warm water, squeeze and apply on your forehead. Close your eyes and rest for a while.

* Stir 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of cold water and drink.

* Drink thick natural grapes juice daily to treat your headaches.

* Drink a lot of water every day; make sure you are not dehydrated.

* Apply a few drops of rosemary oil on your chest, lie down and breathe deep for a few minutes.

* Drink a cup of warm coffee when you have headaches. Take small sips and try to relax.

* Lie down in a dark room, put a towel on your forehead and put an ice pack on the towel. Lie down like this for about 20-30 minutes, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and try to relax.

* Slice a potato, take the slices and apply on your forehead and rest for 20 minutes.

* Peel 1 cucumber, take the peels tie them to the forehead with a cloth. Rest with the cucumbers peels on your head for 15-20 minutes and your headache will be gone in no time. Answer: I have tried the water and cinnamon paste, it burned and irritated the skin of the person I tried it on. So I added 1/2 a tablespoon of sugar and it seemed to alleviate the burning. Also, tasted good ;)

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15y ago
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10y ago

Some common home treatments for migraine headaches include lying down in a quiet, dark or non-lit room and have something cool on your forehead such as a flannel, cloth or ice pack. Other home treatments include rubbing drops Peppermint oil into your forehead and other sore areas that are affected by the headache, mediation is another one and is best to focus on something such as your breathing and this is meant to help reduce the migraine.

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9y ago

Migraine headaches are common, but treatable. Often massaging your temples or resting your head is sufficient enough to remedy migraine headaches. Other stress relieving activates can help such as meditation.

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What is the most common treatment for migraine headaches?

Migraine headaches can be a pain. For that pain, the best sorts of treatments can range from medicine to home remedies. The best medication is Ibuprofen!

Where can one buy painkillers for a migrain headache?

You can find migraine headache treatments in your local retail store in the pharmacy section. You can also find home remedies to migraine headaches online at websites such as MayoClinic and WebMD.

Are there any low cost home remedy solutions to headaches?

Headaches are a common problem for many people. Advil or another generic medicine will help with headaches. I wouldn't recommend home remedies because they might not always work.

Are there are home remedies for eliminating headaches?

One thing that helps me is to hold your hand over your mouth and nose and breathe normal for about 5 minutes and if it is not a migraine it will quit. Also you can go to and check out their sight.

Get Rid Of Your Headache?

Suffering from a migraine is painful, but there are ways to get relief if you suffer from them. A warm compress on the forehead made from a washcloth can sometimes relieve the pain. Lying in a dark room with soft music can also help relieve migraine headaches. If you cannot find relief at home, you may want to see you doctor.

What are well known migraine symptoms?

Migraines are different from regular headaches because a migraine causes both sides of your head to be in intense pain. Sometimes migraines cause you to barely be able to hold your eyes open and hurts your head severely when in direct sunlight or bright lights inside your home. It is still best to contact your doctor if your symptoms get worse.

Home ideas that could be helpful when you have a migraine headache?

Migraines are a fairly common problem, but there is not one solution that seems to fit everyone. Some home remedies may work include: increasing your water intake, hot/cold compresses, massage, aromatherapy, or exercise. If your migraine still persists, a doctor's visit and exam is recommended.

Is there a home remedy for a migraine problem?

Spinach, cucumber juice, carrot juice and inhalation of lavender oil are excellent remedies to migraine headache.

What are some home remedies for forehead pain?

Headaches can be treated at home in a number of ways. One way is to simply eat and sleep, as lack of either of these can cause headaches. Eating and sleeping enough can prevent other headaches in the future. Another method of clearing headaches is to breathe deeply, as 90% of headaches are caused by tension in the upper body.

Can a woman get pregnant after two weeks before her periods and have headaches instade of periods?

yes,ovulation can occur at any point in your cycle. Headaches are a common symptom of pregnancy. If you feel you may be pregnant you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see your doctor.

Are window treatments really needed?

No, window treatments are a personal choice for your home. Window treatments can help insulate the home's temperature, and also protect against fading damage of paint, carpet, and furniture. Experts recomment treatments, but they are NOT required.

What are some acid reflux treatments?

There are quite a few treatments for acid reflux. They can range from common natural treatments and home remedies like apple cider vinegar and water or ginger root even sleeping on the left side of your stomach has proven to help. Proton pump inhibitors are probably the most common medicine treatment like Aciphex, Prilosec, Nexium or Prevacid.