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NIMBY- the not in my back yard syndrome. Often the people who don't want a coal burning power plant near where they live also don't want a wind mill, (eyesore, kills birds etc.), solar power plant, (hazards associated with battery banks, maintenance crews, tree cutting etc.) or any other kind of whatever they might consider offensive in one form or another. Yet they want their well manicured lawns and modern electronic conveniences, just put it somewhere else.

Solar takes up space, Wind power needs steady wind and will be visible for miles, geothermal requires deep drilling which might "contaminate" water supplies (read up about hydro-fracking), biomass involves sound and odors that might be offensive, along with other environmental concerns from ash and trucking. There will always be someone offended by whatever type of generating plant you want to put up. Other considerations might be start up cost, accessibility and maintenance.

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Q: What are some important details for renewable energy?
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What are some positives about hydroelectric energy?

They don't pollute, its renewable, you can get alot of it, especially Niagara falls, clean energy

Are fossil fuels renewable or nonrenewable resources?

Fossil fuels are considered nonrenewable as they are the product of living things that died in the distant past.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of thermal energy?

There are two main types of thermal energy - solar and geothermal. Solar energy is renewable and sustainable, and after the initial investment, is free. Geothermal energy is renewable, sustainable, and clean reducing reliance on foreign energy sources. The disadvantages are mostly financial because of the start up costs. While solar is an individual form of energy, geothermal requires large generation plants. Also solar viability is dependent on the amount of sunshine the area receives.

Is solar cell renewable?

Yes.Completely. No matter how much of the sun's energy we use, the sun will continue to shine just as much as it did before!Solar energy is renewable because, the sun's rays will never run out. That makes it renewable. Renewable energy sources will never run out and we will have a constant supply of them. And with renewable energy sources, we are not hurting the environment as much as when we use fossil fuels. See the link below.Once the sun burns out we will just "renew it" and get another one? Just like oil reserves the sun is a finite amount of energy.Not really, consider the question intelligently and ignore the public hype. A renewable resource at minimum should output more energy than is put into it. It should also not create a significant waste issue. Having worked as an engineer at the largest solar manufacturer on the planet, I can assure you that more energy is required to generate solar cells/pannels than it provides in its lifetime (~20-25 years). The materials used to generate the cells are also considerable and fill landfills. Some of the materials are hazardous and dangerous for the environment. Don't accept answers without substance. I believe in helping the environment but this is not the answer.

What R is a resource that wil not run out?

Renewable resources are resources that will not run out. Some examples are trees and water.

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If an energy source is nonrenewable?

some energy sources are non renewable but some are renewable

Is energy resource or nonrenewable?

It depends where it comes from. Energy from solar, wind, water etc is renewable. Energy from burning fossil fuel is non-renewable.

What are some energy resources?

what are some renewable energy resources

What alternatives are renewable?

Biofuels , Solar energy , Wind energy , Tidal energy are examples of some renewable energies

What are atcually renewable source of energy?

there are so many renewable energys but i can say some: solar energy, hydro power, geothermal energy........

How are nonrenewable energy and renewable energy alike in some ways?

they both are a kind of energy

What are some examples of renewable energy resources from in the Earth?

Trees are renewable. So are wind and water.

What is a energy source that is replenished continually?

This is renewable energy, but some renewable energy is replenished at intervals rather than continually. For example solar energy is only replenished in daylight hours.

Is solar energy a renewable energy?

some people say it isnt if its the sun, so if u mean the the sun then no, it is not renewable. solar energy itself, you PROBABLY could...

What are some renewable energy funds I can invest in?

You should definitely check out Cefox Energy! They are a reputable renewable energy company that offers various investment opportunities in the green energy sector. You can learn more about their offerings and watch their informative YouTube videos

What are some examples of renewable non-renewable and inexhaustible resources?

Examples of non-renewable energy are coal, oil, natural gas, uranium and fossil fuels. Ex. of renewable energy are animals, food, and biomass. Ex. of inexhaustible energy are wind, solar, geothermal, and hydroelectric.

What are some simularities of the sun's energy and the wind?

They are both seen as renewable sources of energy