

Best Answer

altogether, watermelon, and picnicbasket.

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Q: What are some more four syllable compound words?
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What is a compound syllable?

A compound syllable is formed by combining two or more simple syllables to create a new syllable. This is commonly done by combining two words to form a compound word, where each word retains its individual stress and syllable structure within the new word.

What are some compound words that have 4 or more letters?

Some compound words with more than four letters:afterthoughtbeachcombercheapskatedressmakerearthquakefeatherweightgrandmotherhearthstoneinpatientjawbreakerkindheartedlighthousematchmakerneedlepointofficeholderplainclothesquartermasterrattlesnakesuperstructuretablespoonundercurrentvolleyballwatermelon

Why is package not a compound word?

A compound word is made up of two or more words that are joined together to create a new word with a distinct meaning. In the case of "package," it is a single word and not a combination of two separate words.

What is a masculine rhyme?

A rhyyme of one syllable words or, if more than one syllable, words ending with accented syllables.

What is a one syllable word for baby?

There are more than one single-syllable words for baby. One of the words is tyke.

Is notice a compound word?

No, noticeable is not a compound word. Compound words - words made up f two or more words.

What is the name of the words with 2 or more syllable?

They are polysyllabic.

Examples of combined compound words?

compound words is two or more sent.

Are their more than 1 syllable word that has ten syllables?

A one syllable word has only one syllable. A ten syllable word has ten. There are no one syllable words with ten syllables.

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Is kilometers a compound word?

Yes. A compound word is a word that you can hear more than one syllable in. Kilometer has two separate syllables killo and meter.

How can maths be used to determine the reading difficulty of a book?

One way to determine the reading level of a book is to count the number of words, and identify the percentage of , for instance, 4 syllable words, 3 syllable words, and 2 syllable words. The higher the percentage of multisyllable words, the more reading difficulty.