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Some non-examples of elastic potential energy include gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, and thermal energy. These types of energy are different from elastic potential energy as they are not associated with the deformation or stretching of an elastic material.

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Q: What are some non examples of elatic potential energy?
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Can you give some examples for Potentia energy?

Potential energy is when you do work against a conservative force. Examples are gravitational potential energy; the stored energy in a spring; chemical energy; and nuclear energy.

Can you give some examples of potential energy?

A parked car is potential energy =]- aim wave ; twinxlocksxin

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What is potential energy and some examples?

Potential energy is energy stored within an object due to its position or state. Examples include gravitational potential energy (a ball at the top of a hill), elastic potential energy (a stretched rubber band), and chemical potential energy (energy stored in food).

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Some examples of potential energy in your home are a charged battery (electrical potential energy), a stretched rubber band (elastic potential energy), and an object lifted off the ground (gravitational potential energy).

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examples of chemical energy are.. food, baterries, fuels, candles, etc.

Can you give me some examples of gravitational potential energy?

carrying water in a tub

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well what I think are some examples are carpet tile window stairs anything that doesn't use energy

What are all kinds of potential energy?

Some types of potential energy include gravitational potential energy (related to an object's position in a gravitational field), elastic potential energy (stored in compressed or stretched objects), and chemical potential energy (stored in chemical bonds). Other examples include nuclear potential energy and electrical potential energy.

What are the examples of gravity potential energy?

Examples of gravity potential energy include a book on a shelf, a rock at the top of a cliff, and a satellite in orbit around Earth. All of these objects have the potential to fall due to gravity, which can be converted into kinetic energy as they move towards the ground.

What are some examples of potation energy?

Some examples of potential energy include a stretched rubber band, a raised object ready to fall, a charged battery, and water in a dam waiting to generate electricity.

What are some examples of Gravitational Potinal Energy?

Examples of gravitational potential energy include a book sitting on a shelf, a ball at the top of a hill, and a person standing on a diving board.