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some different speceis are fire and bullet

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Q: What are some of the different species of Viperfish?
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Is a viperfish a benthos?

No, the viperfish is not a benthos. This species is classified as a nekton and lives deep within the ocean waters.

Viperfish why is it called viperfish?

because its a viperFISH

What fish servivies at the bottom of the ocean?

anglerfish, viperfish, dragonfish, and many more species. google it for more.

Is a viperfish a plankton?

No the viperfish is not a planton does it look like plankton? It is a fish that's why its called viperFISH!

What eats viperfish?

The main predator of viperfish is Dragonfish.

What ocean zone does the viperfish live in?

do viperfish live in the arctic

How long do viperfish live?

the viperfish can be up to eight years old

Who are the viperfish enemies?

dragon fish and humans are the main predators of viperfish

Do different species have different blood?

some do some don't but most do

Where do viperfish live?

Viperfish mostly live in the northern hemisphere and by the equator at about 5000 ft underwater

Some species have the same chromosome number but they are different. Suggest an explanation?

Some species have same number of chromosomes but they are different. suggest an explanation

What undersea animal starts with the letter V?

Viper fish Viper fish starts with v. Viper fish starts with v.