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* many materials are able to dissolve within it. * it absorbs and releases heat very slowly, so that a constant body temperature can be maintained. * it requires a large quantity of heat to change from liquid to gas. * as water evaporates from the body it takes a lot of heat with it, which helps to keep the body cool.

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16y ago
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9y ago

Water is abundant on earth. It in non-reactive. It has a high energy-carrying capacity and a high surface tension making it great for staying in lipid membranes. It is neutral and is an excellent solvent for important biological molecules like carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids, which allows for enzyme activity and replication. Water carries ions and electrolytes well and it is an excellent medium for a huge number of chemical reaction, like those involved in metabolism and cellular communication.

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10y ago

The structure of the H-O-H atoms in a Y pattern makes the water molecule weakly bipolar. This allows the water to create weak bonds with both + and - ions which facilitates them entering solution.

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14y ago

because of it's solvent properties

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