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When Nick meets Gatsby standing in front of Daisy's house after the accident, the conversation goes like this (quoting exactly): Nick asks "'Was Daisy driving?' [Gatsby says] 'Yes,' he said after a moment, 'but of course I'll say I was. You see, when we left New York she was very nervous and she though it would steady her to drive'".

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In "The Great Gatsby," Gatsby tells Tom that Daisy was driving the car when it hit Myrtle. He claims that he was in the passenger seat and that Daisy was behind the wheel. Gatsby does this to protect Daisy and shield her from the consequences of the accident.

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Q: What are the quotes gatsby said to take the blame from daisy on running over myrtle?
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Who drives the car that kills myrtle?

Daisy Buchanan. Jay Gatsby takes the blame, because he loves Daisey. Tom Buchanan (who was having an affair with Myrtle) and does not want to lose Daisy tells Myrtle's husband that Gatsby killed his wife, so her husband shoots Gatsby and then kills himself. Daisy and Tom then go away and forget all about Gatsby.

Who was driving the death Car Great Gatsby?

Daisy Buchanan was driving Gatsby's yellow car and hit Myrtle with the side of it. Daisy was driving the 'death car' though she allowed Gatsby to take the blame for the horrific death of Myrtle.

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In F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel "The Great Gatsby," Jay Gatsby is shot and killed by George Wilson, who mistakenly believes Gatsby is responsible for his wife Myrtle's death. Gatsby dies alone, with few mourners at his funeral, highlighting the theme of the fleeting nature of wealth and the emptiness of the American Dream.

What page does Myrtle die in The Great Gatsby?

Myrtle Wilson dies in Chapter 7 of "The Great Gatsby," not on a specific page as it may vary depending on the edition of the book. She is struck and killed by a car driven by Daisy Buchanan while Myrtle is running away from her husband, George Wilson.

Who kills myrtle in the great gastby?

Gatsby tells Nick that Daisy accidentally hit her while they were driving his car, but he is going to take the blame. As a result, Tom fuels the fire by telling George where he can find Gatsby--the man who supposedly killed his wife--and George shoots Gatsby before taking his own life. Check out the link for more in-depth explanations.

How does myrtle die?

Myrtle Wilson dies in a car accident, she is hit by a car driven by Daisy Buchanan, who is fueled by distress and anger after an argument with her husband Tom Buchanan. Daisy hits Myrtle and flees the scene, leaving Gatsby to take the blame for the accident.

Besides george Wilson who was extremely shocked and upset at myrtles death in chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby?

Tom Buchanan was also shocked and upset at Myrtle's death in Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby, although his reaction was more muted compared to George Wilson's. Daisy Buchanan, Myrtle's actual killer, also showed distress at the situation, but her response was more self-centered and focused on protecting herself.

Which is an example of irony from The Great Gatsby?

Tom cheats on Daisy with Myrtle, but he treats Myrtle poorly.

Does daisy confess about driving the car that killed myrtle?

No, it was an accident. Daisy was confused and furious about what had happened in the hotel, so she decided to drive to calm her nerves. Myrtle ran into the road thinking that Tom was still in that car. Daisy had no idea who Myrtle was she tried to swerve, but there was a car in the other lane so she had to swerve back and hit Myrtle.

Why does Gatsby take the blame about the accident?

Gatsby takes the blame for the accident because he wants to protect Daisy, whom he loves deeply. He believes that by taking the blame, he can prevent Daisy from facing any consequences or harm. This act demonstrates Gatsby's undying devotion to Daisy and his willingness to sacrifice himself for her.

What are the corrupt behaviors of Daisy Buchanan?

Daisy Buchanan exhibits corrupt behaviors through her deceitfulness, lack of accountability, and materialistic nature. She is willing to manipulate others, including her husband Tom and lover Gatsby, for her own benefit, and prioritizes her social status and wealth over genuine relationships. Daisy's actions ultimately contribute to the tragedy and downfall of those around her.

What are some quotes about blame?

"When we blame, we give away our power." -Greg Anderson"When you blame others, you give up your power to change." - Dr. Robert Anthony"In passing, also, I would like to say that the first time Adam had a chance he laid the blame on a woman." -Lady Nancy Astor