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A very nice way would be to write the person a short letter in which you write directly from your heart. Tell the person why you admire their Christian behaviors. What sets them apart in your eyes. Say what stands out for you about how they treat other people. Express your desire to have the person be your Christian role model. This letter will mean so much to the person for many years to come.

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Q: How do you ask someone to be your confirmation sponsor?
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What is a confirmation sponsor proxy?

Someone who stands in for the sponsor if the sponsor cannot make the ceremony. The proxy should also be Catholic and Confirmed.

Can your godparent be your confirmation sponsor?

Yes indeed, your godparent can be your Confirmation Sponsor. However, your godparent does not have to be your Confirmation Sponsor. It can be anyone who exemplifies leading a good Christian life. You might pick a family member, neighbor, favorite teacher, or if you have a special bond with the person you could even ask a nun or priest. However, this person should be someone you see often throughout your life.

Can a priest be a confirmation sponsor?

Confirmation does not normally require a sponsor, although most bishops ask for one. In the case that your bishop requires a sponsor, he would issue the rules for that, normally any confirmed Catholic in good standing with the Church.

Is a sponsor a person who gives spiritual help and encouragement to someone preparing for confirmation?

Yes. Each candidate is asked to choose someone to support, advise and guide them through their confirmation. Our parish family usually advises our candidates for confirmation to ask a God Parent, grandparent, older sibling, aunt, uncle or may ask someone outside their family, often a person they may respect or admire, from their parish family. Any person who has completed confirmation and can provide the Roman Catholic Church when and where they were confirmed, is acceptable.

Can the mothers be the sponsor in confirmation in a Catholic Church?

No, but, she can act as stand in for the chosen sponsor, should the sponsor not be able to be physically present at the Confirmation Mass.

Why does each candidate have a sponsor in confirmation?

Each candidate has a sponsor in confirmation because the sponsor serves as a mentor and guide throughout the preparation process for the sacrament. The sponsor provides support, advice, and guidance as the candidate prepares to deepen their commitment to their faith. Additionally, the sponsor helps to ensure that the candidate is fully prepared to receive the sacrament and understands its significance.

Can you be a confirmation sponsor if you are not confirmed?

No, you would need to be confirmed to be a sponsor.

Do you need to have your godmother be your sponsor at confirmation?

No, you do not need nor are you required to to ask your Godmother to be your Sponsor. It can be any adult in good standing within the church. But also, the person should represent to you someone who practices a good Christian life. However, you might like to ask your Godmother to attend the service to witness your vows, and introduce your Godmother to your Sponsor. Make sure to include both in any celebration afterward.

Does the sponsor at confirmation have to say anything?

No. Only the Confirmation candidate him/herself speaks.

Can a man be a girls sponsor in confirmation?

Yes they can.

What a sponsor need to do for confirmation?

A sponsor can be male or female, and must be at least age 16, a Catholic in good standing, and confirmed.

Can a confirmation candidate have a non-Catholic sponsor and a Catholic sponsor?

A sponsor is not required at Confirmation, although many bishops allow them, or even require them. Only one sponsor is customary where it is required, if you would like more than one, you would have to have your pastor check with the Bishop.