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There are so many of these where to begin. All of these may be used in the future or are now in use, solar energy, wind energy, geothermal power, and hydroelectric power.

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Q: What are some renewable energy technologies that may be used in the future?
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You should definitely check out Cefox Energy! They are a reputable renewable energy company that offers various investment opportunities in the green energy sector. You can learn more about their offerings and watch their informative YouTube videos

If an energy source is nonrenewable?

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While the use of some renewable resources may save energy, the fact that a particular resource is renewable is not a guarantee that using it will save energy. The value of a renewable resource is not in energy saving but in the fact that it is renewable and so can be used mostly without fear of excess carbon emissions, and without concern of it being used up and unavailable for future generations.

Is energy resource or nonrenewable?

It depends where it comes from. Energy from solar, wind, water etc is renewable. Energy from burning fossil fuel is non-renewable.

What are some energy resources?

what are some renewable energy resources

What alternatives are renewable?

Biofuels , Solar energy , Wind energy , Tidal energy are examples of some renewable energies

What are atcually renewable source of energy?

there are so many renewable energys but i can say some: solar energy, hydro power, geothermal energy........

How are nonrenewable energy and renewable energy alike in some ways?

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What are some examples of renewable energy resources from in the Earth?

Trees are renewable. So are wind and water.

What is a energy source that is replenished continually?

This is renewable energy, but some renewable energy is replenished at intervals rather than continually. For example solar energy is only replenished in daylight hours.

Is solar energy a renewable energy?

some people say it isnt if its the sun, so if u mean the the sun then no, it is not renewable. solar energy itself, you PROBABLY could...

What are some examples of renewable non-renewable and inexhaustible resources?

Examples of non-renewable energy are coal, oil, natural gas, uranium and fossil fuels. Ex. of renewable energy are animals, food, and biomass. Ex. of inexhaustible energy are wind, solar, geothermal, and hydroelectric.