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If you have not missed a period it is unlikely you are pregnant.

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Q: What are some signs of being pregnant without a missed period and without morning sickness?
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Signs of 1 month pregnant?

Missed period, breast tenderness or swollen nipples, morning sickness, headaches.

What would be a sign that you are pregnant when you missed birth control pills?

morning sickness it can occur 2 - 8 weeks after conception

Symptoms if u pregnant?

Light spotting and cramping, sore breasts, fatigue, morning sickness, a missed period, and mood swings are all signs of pregnancy.

How can you be able to tell for sure if Im' pregnant without getting a pregnancy test?

You really need to take a pregnancy test. But sometimes a missed period, morning sickness, breast tenderness and sometimes mood swings. But you should really get a pregnancy test done.

What symptoms dop you have at 4 weeks pregnant?

Many women have no symptoms at all. Nausea, morning sickness and missed period are common. Spotting is another symptom that happens with some women.

You were seven days late for your period could you still be pregnant?

It is possible. I suggest you take a test. Your first sings will be a missed period, swollen tender breasts, weight gain, morning sickness etc.

When does a girl know shes pregnant?

Well there are a few ways too no if you're pregnant, Missed periods, gaining weight, eating a lot, tenderness around your breast's, feeling sick, bloating, Nausea, morning sickness, headaches, backaches. The best way is to take a pregnancy test.

Could feeling sick but not having the morning sickness vomiting be a sign of being pregnant?

Absolutely! You can just be queasy or not feel any thing at all. If you are pregnant, the farther along you get, the more stable the increased levels of hormones get. One of the causes of morning sickness is the higher levels of hormones in your body. That is why pregnancy tests work better when not taken too early. Each pregnancy can also be very different.

Question im pregnant or not i been nausea and morning sickness tried stomach hurt and inside hurt when i sleep on stomach and etc?

The most common early pregnancy symptoms are a missed menstrual cycle, nausea (or commonly called "morning sickness", although this symptom can occur at any time of day), tender breasts, and tiredness. If you suspect that you are pregnant, you should consult with your health care provider for lab confirmation and begin prenatal care immediately.

What is the timeline of symptoms to indicate early pregnancy?

Sore breast,Missed period, Tired all the time, Morning sickness which for some its all day sickness, Frequent urination, Sensitivite to smells,

Pregnancy signs with in the first 14 days?

Missed period, swollen and/or tender breasts, morning sickness are going to be the most obvious signs.

What are some signs that you are pregnant?

Missed period is the first definitive sign of pregnancy. At around the same time you may have sore/tender breast, nausea, constipation or diarrhoea.The first is missing your period, nausea, dizziness, vomit, morning sickness among others.