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Water in oceans always contains solutes.

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Q: What are some solutions in nature?
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Are indicators acidic or basic in nature?

Indicators can be both acidic and basic in nature, depending on their color change properties in response to different pH levels. Some indicators change color in acidic solutions, while others change color in basic solutions.

What is the meaning of natural solutions?

Existing by nature and no artificial aid..~Christine U~ :))

What is the meaning of Natural occurring solutions?

Existing by nature and no artificial aid..~Christine U~ :))

What are some solutions to biodiversity?

some solutions to biodiversity are by protecting whole ecosystems

What are solutions found in nature?

Examples of solutions found in nature include honey produced by bees, sap in plants, and nectar in flowers. These solutions are often composed of water and various solutes like sugars, enzymes, and nutrients. They play important roles in biological processes and ecological interactions.

What are 5 types of solutions?

There are many different types of solutions. Some examples of different solutions are isotonic solutions, hypertonic solutions and hypotonic solutions.

What explains their solutions properties?

This depends on the nature of solvent and solute, concentration of solute, temperature, etc.

Is barbitone soluble in acid?

Barbitone, or phenobarbital, is sparingly soluble in acidic solutions. It is more soluble in alkaline solutions due to its weakly acidic nature.

What would be the nature of solutions with pH of 4 and 12?

pH 4 = acid pH 12= base

What property do strong acids have?

They are highly corrosive in nature and dissociate extensively in solutions. They behave as good electrolytes.

In what form is sulfur found in nature?

Sulfur is found in nature as pure element (S) - solid or in colloidal solutions, as gas (H2S) and is also present in many minerals.