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Q: What are some special adaptations of a chondrichthyes?
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Well some special adaptations a snake has is it begins it's life adaptation with no legs, no ears, and no arms. They slither on there bellies. Snakes also have a special environment adaptation which is they change colors!

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No, chondrichthyes are fish that have skeletons made out of cartilage instead of bone.

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What is the main difference between Agnathans and Chondrichthyes?

The main difference between Agnathans (jawless fish) and Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish) is the presence of jaws. Agnathans lack jaws, while Chondrichthyes have well-developed jaws. Additionally, Agnathans have a cartilaginous skeleton, while Chondrichthyes have a skeleton made of cartilage.