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Jesus frees people from going to hell and burning forever in eternal punishment. We can be saved from this by believing that Jesus died to pay for your sins. We all have sinned and we know this because The Bible says for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. God cannot be in the presence of sin, so we need Jesus to take our punishment because the wages of sin is death. So you have to believe that Jesus died to save you from your sins. In doing so you can have full confidence that you will go to heaven and be with the one true God forever. have a great day. God bless!!

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Jesus frees us from sin, and temptation by the devil

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Q: What does Jesus free people from today?
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Jesus liberated the world from the darkness of sin thereby creating a passage between this world and God for those who are faithful to him. People today like any other time need to stay free of sin in order to keep a relationship with God. Sin (evil) <> God (good)

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Jesus said that He came to deliver the captives (Luke 4:18). This is an illustration of the world today which is still full of evil and sin and when you are living in sin, Jesus said that you are a slave of sin (John 8:34) but He is can deliver you from that and show you the way and truly be free.(John 8:36)