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3mo ago

Some things that require energy include physical activities like walking or running, electronic devices such as smartphones or computers, machinery like cars or appliances, and even basic bodily functions like breathing and digestion.

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Q: What are some things that require energy?
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What things require energy?

All living organisms (not dead) require energy

What orgamisms things require energy?

All living organisms (not dead) require energy

What do all living things require a source of?

All living things require a source of energy.

Does living things require energy?


What is the impact energy has on the environment?

all living things require energy so no energy, no environment

Non-living things that require energy?

cars electronics

What does not require energy?

Non-living things do not require energy as they do not have processes that need to be sustained or powered. Examples include rocks, water, and air.

What are four things that you every day in school that require energy?

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What are five things for which people require energy?

Walking, singing, climbing, fighting, playing.

What steps require energy?

To get JUST ABOUT ANYTHING done requires at least some energy.

Which are less energy hot things or cold things?

Hot things contain more energy compared to cold things. This is because the temperature of an object is directly proportional to its energy content - hotter objects have more kinetic energy in the form of faster moving particles. Thus, hot things require more energy to maintain their temperature compared to cold things.