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Q: What are some uses for bitter bush?
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a bitter salty taste

Who does the bush do protect itself?

It uses its thorns

Why is your coffee bitter?

Some coffee's are meant to be bitter and that is desirable to a point. Over roasting can result in a bitter flavor.

What is the weapon the angel of death uses?

To anniliate the enemy and leave a bitter taste in their mouth.

Why did President Bush feel it was necessary to address the nation with this quote using faith?

to unite the country after the drawn-out and bitter election battle.

What is the value of a George Bush and Jeb Bush autographed baseball?

Nothing, unless one uses it as a suppository for Mitt Romney.

What toilet paper is GW Bush using?

TOILET PAPER? George Bush??? Don't be so silly. He uses silk.

Do bitter gourd contains starch?

no bitter gourd does not contains starch as i've studied some where

Are there any common uses of bitter melon?

It is often added to dishes, for all parts of the plant, as its name suggests, taste very bitter and add an astringent or sour quality to foods.

What animals have bitter tasting flesh?

Some animals that could have a bitter tasting flesh are some fish and some exotic animals like snails and squid.

Can you say Betty bought some butter but the butter was bitter so Betty bought some better butter to make the bitter butter better but the bitter butter made the better butter bitter 3 times fast?

It's possible, but I don't know anyone who can I can It is actually: betty botter bought some butter but she said the butters bitter if i put it in my batter it would make my batter bitter so she bought some better butter and the batter was not bitter so t'was betty botter bought a bit of better butter (which is harder)

Why do people rub the ends of a cucumber?

Some people think that removes the bitterness from a bitter cucumber.Some people think that removes the bitterness from a bitter cucumber.Some people think that removes the bitterness from a bitter cucumber.Some people think that removes the bitterness from a bitter cucumber.