

What are sound wave amplitudes?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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the amplitude of a wave is measured from the peak to trough from a given period.

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Q: What are sound wave amplitudes?
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What properties of sound is determined by the strength of the vibrations creating the sound?

We can perceive different sound volumes because sound waves have differing amplitudes.

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Can the amplitude of a sound wave can be described by a centigrade scale?

No, centigrade is a unit of temperature, not amplitudes.No, centigrade is a unit of temperature, not amplitudes.No, centigrade is a unit of temperature, not amplitudes.No, centigrade is a unit of temperature, not amplitudes.

How are sound waves made?

sound waves are made by amplitudes

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it can reduce the amplitude of the individual waves, making them quieter

Is it true that contructive interfecence occurs when amplitudes of two waves combine to produce a wave with a smaller amplitude?

Constructive interference occurs when amplitudes of two waves combine to produce a wave with a larger amplitude.If a wave with a smaller amplitude is produced, destructive interference has occurred.

Waves with the greater amplitudes carry MORE OR LESS energy than waves with smaller amplitudes?

Wave with higher amplitude carry more energy than wave with lower amplitude. For simple consideration, no amplitude is no wave and thus no energy but just a flat surface of water. Wave with amplitude must have higher energy than the no wave.

When two waves overlap and interfere constructively what does the resulting wave have?

the amplitudes add together

What is contructive interference?

Constructive interference is in-phase addition of waves, such that wave amplitudes increase.

What if the wave on the left had a 3cm crest and the wave on the right had a 3cm crest What would the resulting interference be?

The answer depends on the wavelengths as well as the amplitudes.

What happens when the crests of the two waves overlap?

The resultant wave has double the amplification

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if wave amplitudes are equal ,will high frequency waves carry more or less energy than low frequency waves