

Best Answer
  1. Concrete
  2. Lead
  3. Wood
  4. Brick
  5. Metal
  6. Human body
  7. Rock
  8. Soil
  9. Water (in large quantities)
  10. Thick fog
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Q: What are ten things that light can not easily pass through?
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Related questions

Is opaque the same as transparent?

No, opaque refers to objects that do not allow light to pass through, while transparent refers to objects that allow light to pass through easily.

What does light easily pass through?

Light easily passes through molecules or atoms that are small. :)

Is air opaque?

No, air is not opaque. It is transparent, allowing light to pass through it easily. Opaque materials do not allow light to pass through them.

What cant light easily pass through?

Light cannot easily pass through opaque objects like wood, metal, and walls because these materials absorb or reflect light rather than allowing it to pass through. Additionally, dense materials such as lead and concrete are also difficult for light to pass through due to their high density.

Does light pass through foil?

No, light cannot pass through foil because it is an opaque material that does not allow light to transmit through it. Foil is a thin sheet made of metal, typically aluminum, that reflects and absorbs light rather than allowing it to pass through.

What a material that current can pass through easily?

Metals mainly. Iron copper water these are things electricity can pass through

Is air an opaque object?

No, air is not an opaque object. Opaque objects do not allow light to pass through them, but air is transparent and allows light to pass through easily.

What colours can pass through a yellow filter?

A yellow filter will allow yellow light to pass through easily. It will also transmit some red and green light, but will block out blue light.

What are the four classification of objects according to the behavior of light?

The four classifications of objects based on the behavior of light are transparent (allows light to pass through easily), translucent (allows some light to pass through but scatters it), opaque (does not allow light to pass through), and reflective (bounces light off its surface).

Can all light pass through glass?

No, not all light can pass through glass. The ability of light to pass through glass depends on its wavelength. Visible light can pass through glass, but materials like ultraviolet and infrared light may not pass through as easily.

Objects that transmit light easily are?

Some objects that transmit light easily are glass, water, and air. These materials allow light to pass through them with minimal absorption or reflection.

Why cant opaque objects allow light to pass through?

Opaque objects have a dense molecular structure that does not allow light to pass through. The particles in the object absorb and reflect light, preventing it from transmitting through the material. This is in contrast to transparent or translucent objects, which have a molecular structure that allows light to pass through easily.