

What are the 3 types of laws?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: What are the 3 types of laws?
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Civil and criminal laws

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This types of US laws were considered to be civil laws.

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There are only two types of laws. Civil Laws and Criminal Laws.

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The Jim Crow laws

What are the three types of law?

1.The legislative (making laws) 2.The executive (the government) 3.The judiciary (the judges) All these laws/mights should work independantly to reduce the rate of corruption and faling of the democracy. If you are meaning the Trias Politica that is.

What law requires all types of financial institutions to protect customers private financial information?

The types of laws that require the protection of the private finances of customers are many in number. In summary all these types of laws should fall under the name of Confidential personal records laws. These laws are also called consumer protection laws.

What types of laws did each colony have?

not sure

What types of laws actually disfranchised African American after the reconstruction?

The Jim Crow laws

What type of law is based on the code of Hammurabi?

This types of US laws were considered to be civil laws.

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Cases that have to do with laws or treaties and the constitutionality of laws.

What is the purpose of state legislators?

To pass state laws and implement a state budget for the people of their respective state.