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the four components of fire are heat, fuel, oxygen and the sustaining chemical reaction

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Bennie Schultz

Lvl 10
2y ago
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11y ago

There are 3 elements that make a fire. Oxygen, Heat, & Fuel.

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Lvl 1
3y ago

heat, fuel, oxygen, carbon dioxide

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Q: What are the 4 components of a fire?
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What are the four components of fire?

the four components of fire are heat, fuel, oxygen and the sustaining chemical reaction

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Like earth, wind, fire, and water? Well that would mean that you were living in the past.

What components are in fire?

oxygen,heat,and fuel

What are the three components of fire?

The three components of fire are heat, fuel, and oxygen. Heat is required to ignite the fuel, while fuel provides the material that sustains the fire. Oxygen is necessary for the combustion process to occur.

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What are the main components of fire?

Chemically, a fire is made up of four components; the reaction itself, the fuel, oxygen, and heat. A fire cannot burn unless these four components are present in the correct proportions. The flame consists of a mixture of reacting gases and solids emitting visible and infrared light.

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What components are needed to make a fire?

Heat fuel and oxygen

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What are the components of fire or What is fire for example water-H2O air-gases soil-minerals?

Kind of an unfair question. Fire is composed of fuel source, an oxidizer, heat, and an ignition source. The fuels are to numerous to list, but the short list is solids, gases, and liquids. If you really need to impress people, tell them that the 4 things above are known as the "Fire tetrahedron". Good for trivia night!

Triangle of fire?

The fire triangle is a simple model that illustrates the three components needed for fire to occur: heat, fuel, and oxygen. When these three elements are present in the right proportions, a fire can start and continue to burn. Removing one of these components can help extinguish a fire.

How would you write a paper on a forest fire using the fire triangle?

The "fire triangle" (or fire tetrahedron) refers to the components of any fire, namely: fuel, heat and oxygen. Forests provide fuel, normal air has plenty of oxygen, and heat can come from lightning or from human carelessness, resulting in forest fires. Under the theory of fire components, if you remove one or more components, the fire will stop. In forest fires you can remove the fuel by "separating" it with a fireline, you can remove the heat by using water or fire retardant. When the wind blows, it adds fresh air (more oxygen) and stimulates the fire's intensity and adds to the convective spread of the fire embers.