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.bacteria .virus .fungi .protoazoa

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14y ago

bacteria virus protozoa fungi

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13y ago

Bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa.

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Q: What are 4 broad types of pathogens?
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What are 4 different kinds of phatogen?

Bacterium, prion, virus, virus, and fungus are 4 different types of pathogens. Pathogens are things that tend to cause diseases in their hosts. Hosts can be plants, animals, or humans.

Why are broad-spectrum antibotics often used to treat infections caused by unidentified pathogens?

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are used to treat unidentified pathogens because they are active again gram positive and negative bacteria.Certain antibiotics can treat only gram negative or positive bacteria.When bacteria is unidentified doctors must choose an antibiotic that work for all types of bacteria.

What are 4 types pathogens responsible for infectious disease?

bacteria virus fungi and parasite

How many pathogens are there?

There are four major types of human pathogens: -Bacteria -Viruses -Fungi -and Protists

Are viruses and bacteria types of pathogens?


What are the four types of pathogens?

The four type of pathogens are bacterium, protists, viruses, and fungi. Parasitic worms are NOT pathogens.

A or An WHAT TYPE of DRUG is effective against a wide range of pathogens?

This would be called a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

What types of pathogens are specific to the nose?

infleunzae virus

What are the six types of pathogens that can cause diseases?

Viral, Prionic, Bacterial, Fungal, Other parasites, Animal pathogens

What are bacteria and viruses common types of?

Microorganisms. Some can be pathogens.

In Pathogens are agents that can cause some diseases.?

Yes, pathogens are agents capable of causing infections or some types of diseases. Pathogens are normally on our skin and any objects without causing problems. Not all pathogens succeed in their goal to find a host, but many pathogens do.

What types of broad leaves?

a compound