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1.) The ozone layer will be thicker and thicker.

2.) The earth will expirience calamities

3.) The earth will be hottter

4.) The earth will be so smoky

5.) The earth will be so much popolation

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Q: What are the 5 consequences of earth if global warming continue?
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How has global warming helped the earth?

Global warming has not helped the earth, it has harmed the earth.

How can you stop global warming from destroying the earth?

Global warming will not destroy the earth. The earth will continue to exist even at 10 or 20 degrees hotter than it is now. However, life on earth is a different matter. If we do nothing to stop global warming, the future of all life on earth, including human life, is in great danger.

Why earth have a global warming?

There is no such thing as "a global warming" global warming only happens to earth because human and our unruly decrease in the earths resources. HUMANS cause global warming.

Where is the Earth Affected by Global Warming?

Global Warming can affectthe Earth in many ways and everywhere!

How does global warming come to earth?

Global Warming is coming to earth. It is because of ozone depletion.

What are the most problems in earth science?

global warming, pollution. GLOBAL WARMING.

Occur when the Earth comes out of an ice age?

Global Warming

When will global warming destroy earth?

Global warming will not destroy the earth. The earth can deal with temperatures very much hotter than now. However, if global warming does not stop it will destroy all life on earth.

Is it global warming or the earth's orbit getting closer to the sun?

It is global warming. It is NOT the earth getting closer to the sun.

What is the gradual warming of the earth called?

Global Warming

Where did global warming majorly occur?

Global warming is happening everywhere on the Earth equally

What is global warming doing?

Global warming is melting the glaciers throughout the earth's surface.