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Q: What are the 5 stages of drug dependency?
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What are 5 stages of dependency?


What are the 5 stages of dependency?


What are the 4 stages of chemical dependency?

Experimentation, desired effect, tolerance, and drug dependence

How do you determine if you're abusing a prescription drug?

Abusing prescription drugs, is very widespread and much more common than other dependency drug situations. Abusing drugs happens in stages, first by using it for other than the reasons it was prescribed, such as pain. After a period of misusing drugs, a person may become dependent on it, just to feel Ok. That is beginning of drug dependency or drug abuse. There are various stages, to dependency, but it is a very, very serious health problem. A friend or relative who is trusted, can help by discussing it with the person. IT MUST NOT BE IGNORED.

Why does a professional supervies drug replacement therapies?

They can cause dependency, Dependency - Ppsychological craving to a certain drug. ( replacing Drug Addiction )A supervisor will watch an individual on how he lives his drug issue, if he is using drugs or not. He may be Dependenttowards a certain drug(s)

What exists when an individual requires the drug in order to function?

A drug dependency. The person is addicted to drugs.

What is Adjudication of dependency?

The Adjudication of dependency is a petition in Pennsylvania under the Rule 1408. This petition requests the Child Dependency to the court like in need of state intervention due to the drug issue.

Is exctesy a hard drug or soft drug?

it is a soft drug beause its not very addictive and doesnt carry means of physical dependency.

Which condition a drug user's body becomes so accustomed to a particular drug that it can only function normally if the drug is present is known as?

Drug dependency or addiction.

When a physical need has been achieved to a drug or alcohol this is referred to?

Dependency / Addiction

When a physical need has been achieved to a drug or alcohol thi is referred to as?

Dependency / Addiction

What does 5 S of G means?

5 stages of grief 5 stages of grief 5 Stages of Grief