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Q: What are the Backgammon playing pieces called in Iran?
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Backgammon was played in Iran in the 4th century BC, as was a very similar game called Nard. The Game of Twenty Squares is also known as the Royal Game of Ur, after the Iraqi city in which the pieces and rules were excavated.

What Asian was backgammon invented in?

Mesopotamia (today's Iran, Iraq and Syria)

In what Asian country was Backgammon invented?

Mesopotamia (today's Iran, Iraq and Syria)

Where was Backgammon created?

The game of backgammon is commonly known as one of the oldest board games between two players. The game dates back over 5000 years, and many areas claim to have 'invented' backgammon. The earliest known record of a backgammon-like game were the Egyptian/Iraqi games of senet and the Royal Game of Ur, dating back to around 3000 BC. The game of 'nard' was popular in ancient Persia (now Iran) and has been found to be existent in a similar time. The Ancient Romans and Indians of 400 AD had games of backgammon, the Chinese, French and Spanish all had their own variants of the game too. But the first use of the word 'backgammon' was found in the Oxford English Dictionary of 1650, with rules at the time very similar to ours. Overall, we can safely say that backgammon originated somewhere in the Egyptian or Middle Eastern region 5000 years ago.

What is the oldest backgammon set in existence?

The oldest backgammon set in existence is believed to be around 5000 years old. It was found recently in "The Burnt City" of Iran and archeologists believe it to be from 3000 BC.

Which Asian country invented Backgammon?

Many say backgammon originated in Mesopotamia in the Persian Empire, which today is Iran, Iraq and Syria. Some say the Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans played a form of backgammon probably derived from the earlier Indian game of Parcheesi. The Chinese believe that the game of Nard was invented in Western India and was used in China in mid 200s AD.

What is Persia called now?

Persia is now called Iran

What was the was the war in Iran called?

the Iran war

What is a person from Iran called?

I person from Iran has is Iranian.

What country was once called Persia?

Persia was once called Iran

What are Iran people called?

People of Iran are called Iranians.... or an Irani for singular....Iranians.

Why are rugs from Iran called Persian?

Iran used to be Persia