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Q: What are the Foreign substances in the atmosphere are called?
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What are substances called that are foreign to the body?

Foreign substances would suffice as well as contaminants, toxins, etc.

The atmosphere is made up of harmful substances called?

Air Pollutant. (:

Specialized cells that attack foreign substances upon recognizing the foreign surface antigens are called?


What are protein substances formed in the blood to destroy foreign substances?

Antigens are protein substances formed in the blood to destroy foreign substances. Antigens can also be administered artificially in some cases.

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The immune system respond to agent cell or substances that are foreign or nonself collectively called?


What mounts the attack against particular foreign substances?

The immune system reacts to foreign substances.

Substances that the body recognizes as foreign are called?

Antigens Antibodies neutralize these molecules.

What is the difference between deliquesent and efflorescent compounds?

Deliquescent compounds absorb moisture from the air and dissolve in the absorbed water, forming a solution. Efflorescent compounds lose water molecules upon exposure to air, leading to the formation of a powdery residue on the surface.

Where has ozone layer decreased and why?

Ozone layer is depletion is happening in the stratosphere of the earth's atmosphere. It is majorly concentrated over Antarctica's atmosphere. The substances that are causing ozone layer depletion are freons, CFC's etc.. These are called as ozone-depleting substances (ODS).

What substances is the atmosphere made of?

The Earth's atmosphere is composed of primarily nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%). Other gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of other gases make up the remaining composition. Water vapor is also present in variable amounts.

What are the substances that the earths atmosphere contains?
