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Oil and diamonds.

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Q: What are the Natural Resources of Angola?
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What are the natural resources in Angola?

the natural resources in Angola are petrol,daimonds

What are Angola's natural resources?

Oil and diamonds.

What resources are in Angola?

Oil, diamonds,

Why do Angola's resources not benefits the people?

becouse thar

What are the natural resourcescropsand industries in Angola?

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Imperialism in Angola?

The harsh treatment by the imperialists caused the people to rise up in revolt. They proceeded to extract Angola's natural resources, then sold their own products to the colony, in an effort to destroy the local economy. On a positive note, Portugal shared their culture with the colonized people, and built up the country's infrastructure.

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the minerals are natural resources

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Washington State's forests are one of their natural resources.In the 1800s, coal and oil were highly valued natural resources. Natural resources are often under threats from human activities.

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