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These advantages and disadvantages are dependent on our personal interests !

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3d ago

Advantage: Solubility allows for the efficient dissolution and mixing of substances, enabling reactions to occur and facilitating transport within organisms.

Disadvantage: In some cases, solubility can lead to environmental pollution when substances dissolve and spread in water bodies, causing harm to ecosystems.

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What is the advantage and disadvantage of Coal?

Advantage: Coal is abundant and relatively cheap to mine and use for energy production. Disadvantage: Burning coal releases harmful pollutants into the air, contributing to air pollution and climate change.

What is one advantage and one disadvantage of alkyne?

One advantage of alkynes is their ability to undergo addition reactions to form a wide range of organic molecules. One disadvantage is that alkynes are highly reactive and can pose safety hazards due to their tendency to form explosive mixtures with air.

What is difference between apparent and intrinsic solubility?

Apparent solubility refers to the amount of solute that dissolves in a solvent under specific experimental conditions, while intrinsic solubility represents the true equilibrium solubility of a solute in a given solvent. Intrinsic solubility is independent of experimental conditions, such as temperature and presence of other solutes, whereas apparent solubility may vary based on these factors.

How does the solubility of a substance change with a rise in temperature?

With a rise of temperature, the solubility increases

What is the quality of a substance that allows it to dissolve?

The quality of a substance that allows it to dissolve is called solubility. Solubility refers to the ability of a substance (solute) to dissolve in a solvent to form a homogenous solution. Substances with high solubility dissolve easily, while those with low solubility dissolve in smaller amounts.