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We use thermocouples rather than conventional thermometers because they're more accurate. Additionally, you have to be up close and personal to a conventional thermometer to read it. That might be okay when taking someone's temperature, but if you're interested in the temperature inside something like a kiln or the firebox of a boiler, you're not going to be sticking your head or even your hand in there. In addition to being easier to use and more accurate, the thermocouple is electrical, and its output can be interfaced directly to remotely located indicators, and can be logged (recorded) and/or stored as electronic data. This makes record keeping a snap, and makes for data base searches that can be done at the speed of light.

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3d ago

Advantages of using a Thermocouple instead of a regular lab thermometer include faster response time, wider temperature range, and ability to measure higher temperatures. However, disadvantages may include higher cost, less accuracy in some cases, and the need for calibration to ensure accuracy.

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14y ago

Two different metals are used to make a thermocouple or thermostat because when temperature changes, they expand and contract to different extents. So, if they are attached to each other, the combined bi-metal strip they make up will bend in one direction if heated and in the other if cooled. This bi-metal strip can then contact or lose contact with another piece of metal and so make or break an electrical circuit which will turn on or off whatever electrical device is being controlled according to the surrounding temperature.

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15y ago

In some applications where localized temperatures need to determined, thermocouples are useful. Moreover, thermocouples provide wide range of temperature measurements from -200 to 1800 oC.

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13y ago

it is used to find the temperature in furnace and also in industry's

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a Thermocouple instead of a regular lab Thermometer?
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Why would a thermocouple be used instead of a thermometer?

A thermocouple is used instead of a thermometer when the temperature measurement needs to be taken in harsh or high-temperature environments, as thermocouples are more rugged and can withstand extreme conditions. Thermocouples also provide faster response times and can measure a wide range of temperatures compared to traditional thermometers.

What does it mean to say a thermometer measures its own temperature?

When a thermometer measures its own temperature, it refers to the device accurately reading and displaying the temperature of the thermometer itself instead of the temperature of the environment or object being measured. This can help ensure the thermometer is functioning correctly and providing accurate readings.

How can you increase quickness of a thermometer?

You can increase the quickness of a thermometer by using a digital thermometer instead of a traditional mercury thermometer, as digital thermometers typically provide faster and more accurate readings. Additionally, keeping the thermometer sensor clean and in good condition can also help to improve its response time.

Why shouldn't the thermometer touch the can?

If the thermometer touches the can, it will measure the temperature of the can instead of the liquid inside, giving an inaccurate reading. The can's temperature may not necessarily reflect the true temperature of the liquid, especially if the can has been exposed to different conditions.

How did gabriel Fahrenheit discover the mercury thermometer?

Gabriel Fahrenheit improved upon existing thermometer designs by using mercury instead of alcohol as the measuring fluid. He also developed a more precise calibration method, leading to the creation of the mercury thermometer that we use today.

Related questions

What is the advantages and desvantadges of sing a thermorcouple instead of a regular lab thermometer?

A thermocouple may be more useful than a regular lab thermometer if you want to measure fairly high temperatures. A disadvantage is that thermocouples may be subject to wear and may not be very accurate or precise. The thermocouple must be calibrated against a known standard before it is used for measurement.

Why would a thermocouple be used instead of a thermometer?

A thermocouple is used instead of a thermometer when the temperature measurement needs to be taken in harsh or high-temperature environments, as thermocouples are more rugged and can withstand extreme conditions. Thermocouples also provide faster response times and can measure a wide range of temperatures compared to traditional thermometers.

Some laboratory thermometer use alcohol instead of mercury what are the advantages and disadvantges of using alcohol in thermometer?

Advantages of using alcohol in a thermometer include being less toxic than mercury, having a lower freezing point, and a wider temperature range. However, disadvantages include having a lower boiling point than mercury, being more flammable, and having a lower density which can affect accuracy.

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The problem with isopropyl is the when it dries on the skin it evaporates nutrients in the skin also. i wouldn't recommend it.