

What are the advantages of fostering?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: What are the advantages of fostering?
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How do you use the word fostering in a sentence?

My neighbor is fostering a child

What is the difference between fostering a child and adopting 1?

The diffence between fostering and adopting is that adpoting is that you are taking the child home. Fostering is where you take care of the child. The diffence between fostering and adopting is that adpoting is that you are taking the child home. Fostering is where you take care of the child.

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How much do you receive for fostering a child in UK?

Fostering pay varies according to the type of fostering you do, the age of the child and their individual needs. The older the child or young person the higher the fostering professional fee and pay. Set an average of £450 per child per week

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