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Q: What are the answers to billy budd multiple choice test?
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Related questions

When was Billy Budd created?

Billy Budd was created in 1924.

Which ballad is composed in the honor of billy budd?

"Ballad of Billy Budd" by Stan Ridgway is a song composed in honor of Billy Budd. It tells the story of the character Billy Budd from Herman Melville's novel, exploring themes of innocence and betrayal.

What is billy budd's nickname on the bellipotent?

Billy Budd aka 'the handsome sailor' kapm

How many pages does Billy Budd have?

"Billy Budd" by Herman Melville has approximately 300 pages, depending on the edition and formatting.

What are billy budd's final words?

Billy Budd's final words in the novella "Billy Budd" by Herman Melville are "God bless Captain Vere!"

Why did Melville make Billy Budd?

Melville made Billy Budd because he hates high school students.

Who was the captain aboard the billipotent in billy budd?

The captain aboard the Bellipotent in "Billy Budd" was Captain Edward Fairfax Vere. He is depicted as a conflicted character who ultimately faces a moral dilemma regarding the fate of Billy Budd.

What is a darby from Billy in the Darbies novel Billy Budd?

Darbies are British slang for handcuffs.

What is the difference in Billy Budd the book and Billy Budd the movie?

-Jenkins is not present in the book and dies-Billy calls out Claggart in movie-Claggart and Vere argue about lashings and Billy's promotion in movie-Claggart and Billy have a heart-to-heart together in movie-More dialogue in movie

What are some major quotes from Billy Budd?

rand unda

What are the release dates for The DuPont Show of the Month - 1957 Billy Budd 2-9?

The DuPont Show of the Month - 1957 Billy Budd 2-9 was released on: USA: 25 May 1959

What are the recommendation in the story Billy Budd?

i want more conflict and climax