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Thin wheels alone isn't enough to identify the bike type. Can be a road bike, bike, a track bike, a TT bike. Even fixies and single-speeds can have thin wheels.

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Bikes and scooters both have 2 wheels

Why do road bikes have thin tires?

Road bikes have thin tires because they are operating on smooth surface and should be light.

How many bikes are there if there are 115 wheels?

half of 115

What kind of wheels do GT bikes have?

What kind of wheels GT bikes have depends on the model of bike, the new GT GTR Series 2.0 made in 2012, for example uses Schwalbe Lugano brand wheels.

Why do dirt bikes need wheels?

So you can go forwards and backwards. Why do cars need wheels

How are dirt bikes and race cars alike?

They both have wheels

How big would a bikes wheels be if the frame is 15in?

It's probably, but not certainly, meant for 26" wheels.

Description on bikes?

Most typically, bikes have two wheel, a set, and handle bars. For younger children, bikes can have four wheels so they do not have to worry about balancing.

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Why do some bikes have broad wheels?

To get better traction on soft surfaces.

Why does a car have four wheels?

Three wheeled cars are a complete failure, they cant steer propely, they roll etc..., two wheeled cars are already called bikes, and four or possibly more wheels are cars.

Does a bicycle use wheels and axles and a lever?

Yes A Bicycle uses Wheels and the Axles Hold The Wheels Up Plus Some Bikes Have Levers